Our attorneys offer unbundled legal services as a form of limited representation. Unbundled legal services allow the attorney to break down the duties associated with your family law matter and provide counsel only in the areas that you need help with. You assume responsibility for doing everything else. The biggest benefit to you as the client with this type of limited representation is cost savings because you will handle many of the duties that the attorney would otherwise charge you for if the attorney was handling those duties for you. For example, you may need assistance with preparing the initial documents in your case but are otherwise prepared to represent yourself. Alternatively, there may be occasions throughout your case where you need specific, limited legal assistance, such as:
Advice on how to progress your case forward in the court system or accomplish the next steps in your case
Preparation assistance for specific court events
Analysis of case facts and consultation on best strategies to achieve desired legal outcomes
Brainstorming settlement solutions
Assistance in preparation of documents that need to be filed with the court
Unbundled services allow you as the client to decide what level of services you need, and pay only for the services that you use. This type of creative representation allows clients with limited financial resources to engage quality legal counsel for the portions of their case where they need extra help. Failing to understand your rights or making a procedural mistake can mean the difference between getting what you are entitled to and having to settle for less. Unbundled legal services allow you the freedom to limit your legal costs while still having the benefits of ongoing legal counsel throughout your case.
Our unbundled legal services include the following:
Legal consulting about case strategies and court procedures
Drafting settlement agreements
Drafting motions and pleadings
Legal research
Client preparation for court events
Analysis of discovery documents and case facts
Attendance at mediation with the client
Assisting the client with discovery compliance
Ongoing availability to consult about your case as the need arises
Essentially, our unbundled legal services provide the client with the opportunity for a full range of behind-the-scenes legal services while allowing the cost savings of representing themselves in the legal proceeding.