It is important that every person have an estate plan in place, no matter that person’s family or financial status. Every individual’s needs are unique. A trust may be in your best interest for the avoidance of probate or more control over the distribution of your assets after death, or you may only need a simple will. If you already have estate planning documents, it is especially important that you update them following a divorce. At the Loris Law Group, we prepare the following types of documents for your estate plan, depending on your desires and needs:
Revocable Living Trust
Simple Will
Durable Power of Attorney
Designation of Health Care Surrogate
Living Will
Real Estate Power of Attorney
Deeds for real estate, including Ladybird Deeds
Waiver of Spousal Rights
We welcome the opportunity to sit down with you and discuss your concerns and goals with regard to the distribution of your assets, care of any minor children, and other estate planning issues.